When you shoot In China remotely, hiring a cameraman in Shanghai obviously is the wise idea, our China based cameraman options can be your shortcut, over the last 10 years, we worked with cinematographer, cameraman talents across China, whether it’s videographer based in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, or even some small cities like Hangzhou, Suzhou, Hefei etc, our cameraman network spread across China.

What is the difference between a camera man and a cinematographer?
There’s a big difference between being a cameraman and a cinematographer, especially when it comes to specific jobs such as shooting in China, it’s not so simple to refer the work. Just to clarify, a camera man will work directly for an assignment with no fear of criticism and high expectation. On the other hand, a cameraman will take responsibility to create all images and video clips of that project. Cameraman in China will need to invest up to 10 years to learn new skills and knowledge to really be called a professional video cameraman. That’s why the choice of a cameraman is very important because a camera man can shoot for a film, a TV, a corporate video, photography or other video shooting.

Why should I hire a cameraman in China?
Specialized shooting in different cities, different locations, off-location shooting, or on-location shoot. Foreign experts who really know their craft and with great creativity. Time to schedule from your end. An individual from their country who have the technical knowledge of the technical stuff, or they are someone with good knowledge of the cultures, habits, and people of the city where they are going to work, or the city where they are going to shoot. Often times, a Chinese producer, director, or editor, has many ideas and many things to sort out on the scene, while the foreign team have only the written and legal aspects. So, having a foreigner working for you gives you some extra freedom. Are there any other benefits?

How do I hire a cameraman in China?
How to hire a cameraman for Chinese commercials? here are 3 easy steps: 1. Look for the best of the best in China, you will be surprised by the high quality of the top cameraman crews, pick an experienced cameraman that can deliver good results for you;
2.You need to talk directly to them, choose wisely, you may also need to observe the work of these cameramen yourself, so that you get a fair idea of the cameraman’s abilities;
3.Always have a PPM (PPM: Pre production meeting, usually it’s the meeting between clients and production company) before you start the project, so you can communicate clearly with the cameraman what do you expect them to capture during your project.

What should I know before hiring a cameraman?
Most Camera crews are hired at the beginning of a project and then go on to work on subsequent shoots. You have to consider how many shoots you have in mind as you work on casting to make sure your sourcing the right talent. When you’re in China, always make sure to get to know your local crew and look for strong chemistry. (Hong Kong, to be specific, is notorious for this). This is especially important if your project requires long days (all of them included), and you will need strong interpersonal skills. What are the qualities of a good cameraman? It’s one thing to hire a great freelancer, but it’s a whole different story when you’re putting together a talented camera team who can’t tolerate each other.

To hire a camera crew in China, you must first understand the camera equipment, product and pricing in Shanghai, if you don’t have a camera, you can ask friend who might have one, or go and buy one yourself, once you have one, you can begin your journey in film making. For more videos from Shoot In China feel free to get in touch: