Shenzhen Filming Services

Shenzhen Filming Services

Need Shenzhen filming services? Since 2012, we helped countless clients with their filming in Shenzhen, with the local Shenzhen camera crew and video production talents, we deliver quality filming services and cinematic footage for our clients from all over the world.

Our Filming Experience in Shenzhen

We have done many shoots in Shenzhen, physically since 2012 and remotely since the Covid started. This allow us to ask the right questions from the 1st contact from our clients. Our Shenzhen Camera Crew are professional filmmakers with more than 10 years of experience.

Filming in Shenzhen for BMW, we shot the interview on the street of Shenzhen, and did the editing too.

Hire Our Cameraman Based in Shenzhen

Our cameraman options in Shenzhen can handle different types of production, whether you need cameraman for your corporate video, commercials, or documentaries, we have done all types of productions in Shenzhen.

Shenzhen Filming Services
Corporate interview, B-roll filming with a small crew? We have filmed many interviews in Shenzhen over the last few years, from CEOs to senior staff of the companies, our camera crew are used to the shooting in different locations, making sure the lighting is perfectly done, and sound environment is suitable for recording.

From Crew Hire To Full Production Support

Our team in Shenzhen has over 10+ years of video production experience, these experience will allow us to help clients to achieve more when it comes to shooting in Shenzhen.

From local cameraman to high end TVC director, we have a great network of talents based in Shenzhen, helping our clients to create the content that they need, and guide them through each process of the production.

Shenzhen Filming Services

You can find our previous work here.

Contact us if you need a estimate for your shoot in Shenzhen:

[email protected]

About us

Established in 2012, [SIC] is crowning achievement of a 15 year production partnership between Clark Wang and Matt Clarke (no relation). We set up Shoot in China to utilize our knowledge and experience of video production in China to provide a higher quality, better value service for international clients.

Over the last decade we’ve delivered more than 1600 projects ranging from high end TVC’s, film and documentary shoots to simple one day shoots, equipment rentals and logistical support for visiting crews.